
Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning This is a systematic process of envisioning a desired future, and translating this into broadly defined goals or objectives and a sequence of steps to achieve them. Assignments Develop costed comprehensive county operational frameworks include; Target setting, resource allocation and identification (Costing) and monitoring and evaluation framework (CENTRE…
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Statistical Analysis

Statistical Analysis F.H.E.M has the expertise in collecting, exploring and presenting data to determine underlying patterns and trends using quantitative or qualitative methods, to aid in advocacy and decision-making in implementation situations. Assignments Conducting Health Economics Systemic Literature review (APHRC) Health Situation Analysis in Nairobi and Garissa Counties in Kenya…
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Poverty Analysis

Poverty Analysis Measure of poverty would allows one to assess the effects of projects, or crises, or government policies, on poverty; assists one to compare poverty over time; enables one to make comparisons with other countries, and target the poor with a view to improving their wellbeing. Assignments Understanding economic…
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National and County Health Accounts

National and County Health Accounts F.H.E.M has provided Technical assistance in the crafting of key policy tools for the health sector in Kenya which offer an integrated and detailed presentation of health financing information which become an essential source of information, guiding the policy process and informing decision makers. Assignments…
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Investment Case Modelling

Investment Case Modelling Investment cases inform country policies, identify investment opportunities, guide resource allocation and financing, and enable to better position of the scale of investments required as well as the returns that can be accrued from investments across different programmes and interventions. Assignments Nutrition Investment Case for Nakuru, Nyandarua…
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Budget Analysis

Budget Analysis F.H.E.M has the capability of reviewing and evaluating a budget to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and potential areas for improvement. Budget analysis is assists individuals, businesses, and organizations to assess their financial health and make informed decisions about resource allocation. Assignments Public Expenditure Tracking for Kwale And West…
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Resource Tracking

Resource Tracking F.H.E.M has the capability of monitoring and analyzing the flow of resources, including financial and non-financial resources, within a program or project. Resource tracking is important because it helps to ensure that resources are being used effectively and efficiently to achieve the desired outcomes. Assignments Resource tracking for…
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Monitoring and Evaluation of Health Programs

Monitoring and Evaluation F.H.E.M has the capability to assess if progress is being made in achieving expected results, to spot bottlenecks in implementation and to highlight whether there are any unintended effects (positive or negative) from an investment plan, programme or project and its interventions. Assignments Baseline and Progress Evaluation…
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Policy and Systems Development

Policy and Systems Development F.H.E.M provides Technical Assistance (TA) IN policy analysis, economic and program evaluations, knowledge management and translation, expanding the capabilities for systems management and offering expert policy advice. Assingnments Providing technical input to the delivery of Data to Policy (D2P) training in Kenya (Vital Strategies) Adapting Global…
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Efficiency and Analysis of Health Programs

Efficiency and Analysis of Health Programs F.H.E.M has the capability of estimating the quantity of inputs required by a particularactivity/programme in order to generate a particular output. Assingnments Costing Kenya’s National PEN PLUS operational plan Review of Third Generation County Integrated Development Plans in the 47 counties in Kenya Costing…
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