We have solid experience in Strategic planning development, Costing including application of Activity-Based-Costing Management (ABC/M), Investment case modelling and more.

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Strategic Planning

Development of breaking transmission strategy for soil transmitted helminths, schistosomiasis, lymphatic filariasis and trachoma 2018 -2023 and development of common results and accountability framework....

Statistical Analysis

F.H.E.M has the expertise in collecting, exploring and presenting data to determine underlying patterns and trends using quantitative...

Poverty Analysis

Measure of poverty would allows one to assess the effects of projects, or crises, or government policies, on poverty; assists one to compare poverty over…

National and County Health Accounts

F.H.E.M has provided Technical assistance in the crafting of key policy tools for the health sector in Kenya which offer an integrated and detailed presentation...

Investment Case Modelling

Investment cases inform country policies, identify investment opportunities, guide resource allocation and financing, and enable to better position of the scale...

Budget Analysis

F.H.E.M has the capability of reviewing and evaluating a budget to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and potential areas for improvement....

Resource Tracking

F.H.EM is committed in using various tools and methodologies to measure and track the flow of funds in a health system which in turn helps…

Monitoring and Evaluation of Health Programs

We use systemic approaches to track the progress of interventions in a program and assess their effectiveness, efficiency, relevance and sustainability with an aim of…

Policy and Systems Development

Our experts provide unique insights in developing plans, overaching principles and strategies in the areas of global health, public health, pharmaceuticals, health financing, mental health,…


F.H.E.M has the capability of estimating the quantity of inputs required by a particular activity/programme in order to generate a particular output.

Primary Healthcare and Universal Health Coverage

Primary Health Care is accustomed to improving community participation in the health sector by using approaches such as preventive and promotive....

Socio-economic Modelling

Analysis and evaluation are of great importance in assessing the social environment and living standards of the population, its management...

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